Contact Us Today For All Booking, Enquiries, Compliments Or Complaints
- Portion 17, Farm Buisfontein, Hartebeesfontein
- GPS Co-ordinates, Lat: -26.7415278° Long: 26.474888888888888°
- DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)* Latitude: S 26° 44' 29.5'' Longitude: E 26° 28' 29.599''
- Reception - 082 896 2452
- Manager - 079 899 3464
- Owner - 082 787 1769
- Reservations for Accommodation:
- Reservations for weddings, functions, conferences and accounts:
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Alternatively you can contact us via:
Reception - 018 431 2800
Manager - 079 899 3464
Owner - 082 787 1769
Reservations for Accommodation:
Reservations for weddings, functions, conferences and accounts:
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